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Author Narrative FeedbackEffortlessly

Got Report Cards?

Feedback Genie Coming Soon
Exceptional quality from the first to the last

Exceptional quality
from the first to the last

Reduce mental and physical fatigue

Reduce mental

and physical fatigue

Complete narratives much faster

Complete narratives

much faster

Before Feedback Genie
After Feedback Genie

Let's face it, no teacher has ever enjoyed authoring narrative feedback. The problem is the significant time and effort it takes for teachers to create quality narrative feedback for dozens

of students in a condensed time frame.  Do you...​

Does writing feedback stress you out?

  • Spend excessive hours writing comments?

  • Feel drained after spending time writing comments?

  • Struggle to tactfully express your thoughts?

  • Feel like you should be sharing deeper insights?

  • Wonder if your narratives are comprehensive enough?

  • Ever wish for a faster and easier way?

If you've answered "yes" to any of the above, Feedback Genie is the solution! 

If Authoring Narrative Feedback Is Challenging, You're Not Alone!


Surveying over six hundred K-12 teachers, over 60 percent said they spend an excessive amount of time and become mentally fatigued when crafting narrative report cards from scratch.

Nearly 80 percent of teachers reported that providing formative feedback remotely during the Covid lockdowns was much more challenging compared to face-to-face learning.  This means teachers in online environments require better tools to provide quality feedback.


You Deserve The Right Tools To Make Your Job Easier!


Ensure Quality

Each paragraph has a natural, logical flow and any proofreading or editing is minimal since pre-loaded comments have already been spellchecked and peer reviewed.


Finish Faster

Feedback Genie streamlines the writing process

by sequencing essential feedback elements the same way teachers think—saving you a

TON of time!


Take It Easy

Feedback Genie streamlines the feedback process so you can escape the frustration, stress, and mental fatigue. Breeze through writing narratives for a change.

The Feedback Genie Difference

Achievement in school is the greatest predictor of success in life.  Knowing this, parents are increasingly wanting comprehensive information to help their child succeed—academically as well as with general life skills.  But this time-consuming and stressful chore simply comes along with the territory of teaching.  Although we can't offer a magic lamp, we've created the next best thing— Feedback Genie that addresses the three major writing challenges you face...


Overcoming Writer's Block

With thousands of pre-loaded comments sorted according to topic sentences, supporting details and next steps, Feedback Genie ensures every narrative is unique and each paragraph flows logically and naturally.

Entering Information Quickly
Feedback Genie streamlines the writing process by helping you quickly find

the right comment that matches your thoughts. Instead of typing every

word entire sentences can be inserted with just a mouse click.

Minimizing Proofreading
Since our pre-loaded comments have been spellchecked and peer-reviewed, Feedback Genie ensures each narrative you create is polished, minimizing the time spent polishing your thoughts.

Imagine it's that dreaded time of year again when you need to author feedback.  But this time you have Feedback Genie.  Rather than tediously typing every word or continually copying and pasting, you quickly insert entire sentences with just a click. Student names are inserted appropriately and respective pronouns are adjusted automatically. If desired, you can manually revise any part.  Since the pre-loaded comments have already been vetted any proofreading or editing is minimal.  Before you know it, you're done!

The First Step To Better Feedback

Watch a short animated video tutorial to get started

Unlock the full potential of Feedback Genie in just minutes!  Our QuickStart video tutorial walks you through the essentials, ensuring a

smooth, seamless experience.

Here's How It Works

The Second Step To Better Feedback

Enter a few details to ensure quality, personalized feedback

Providing some basic information about the subjects and the students you teach helps

Feedback Genie generate personalized and constructive feedback for every learner.

The Third Step To Better Feedback

Say goodbye to long hours writing narrative feedback

Whether you teach 20 or 120 students, you'll know that you've given them all great feedback in a fraction of the time.  Now you can spend more time doing the things you truly love.

We Care About Privacy & Confidentiality

Project Unicorn | Data Security
The Project Unicorn Interoperability Certification logo shows that Feedback Genie prioritizes data interoperability: the seamless, secure, and controlled exchange of usable data between online applications:
  • ​Legal Compliance
  • Privacy
  • Data Safety 
  • Interoperability

Feedback Genie Is The Complete Solution


Feedback Genie Will Be Available Soon

Join The Wait List To Be Notified First!


As an early-bird supporter, you'll receive special benefits:

Discounted Pricing

An Extra Bonus

Only $29 Per Year—25% Off!
You'll Also Get An Extra Year For FREE.
That's A 63% Savings!

For a limited time Feedback Genie Pro

will be available for only $49/yr.

Money Back Guarantee

We'll even add an extra year.  So you're getting

your first two years for the price of one.

Grandfathered Pricing

Enjoy a 90-day money back guarantee which

starts on the Feedback Genie launch date.

In addition to the discount, you'll lock in pricing.

So you'll always hang on to the same low price.

Be Part Of The Tribe

As a founding member, you'll have input on 

which new features get rolled out first.

With Feedback Genie You Can...

Advantage #1

Add, delete, and modify

your own comments

Advantage #2

Minimize any editing and proofreading

Advantage #3

Complete narratives in

a fraction of the time

Reduce fatigue/stress when writing narratives

Advantage #4

The Choice Is Yours

Feedback Genie - The Choice Is Yours
Writing Narratives From Scratch


Using Feedback Genie

Writing Narratives From Scratch

Starting with a blank page for each student means "reinventing the wheel" on every narrative.  So you end up squandering time 

and continually feeling mentally exhausted.

Using Feedback Genie

You improve school-to-home communications by giving parents timely, personalized and  comprehensive feedback while saving time and reducing stress.

Mistakes Teachers Make
Writing Narrative Feedback

Since educational achievement is the best predictor

of success in life, you'll naturally want to give students every opportunity to succeed. For all the time and energy you spend writing feedback, you'll also want to maximize your efforts.  While you’re waiting for Feedback Genie to launch, download our free guide so you never make these mistakes again.

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